Fueled by insane madness

User Rating: 9.2 | Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania GBA
WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgame$
Release date: May 21, 2003 "Warioware: Mega Microgame$ is a masterpiece of replayability"


The good: Re-playability, change of pace from regular games, um…reflex training?
The bad: Lackluster story, games may lose appeal after beating game 100%

Gameplay:10/10: Insane, new, awesome Graphics: 8/10: Not drool-worthy, but the stuff you can expect from Nintendo. I guess…
Sound: 9/10: Fits each minigame
Value: 9/10: Great to replay, great to try to get 100% in, like Tetris good in bursts
Tilt: 9/10: If you own a GBA, this is a game to BUY…not rent or borrow…BUY

THE-NOT-SO-MUCH-LOVED-DETAILED-REVIEW Not being an intense gamer at the time, I cant make statements saying “Hitting the public by storm…” or “A game about pure game play and insanity like none other before it…”. But I can base this off of my personal enjoyment of the game. The game is not meant to be serious about story, or be even serious with itself. The people making the game just wanted a formula of playing one game….in 5 seconds at tops. Let me stop with the filler and get to the meat and potatoes STORY: So you’re not totally lost, let me just introduce you to the games story. Wario is sitting around picking his nose watching tv. He see’s a commercial for video games and decides to form a video game company himself. So he gets all his friends to make a set of games that appeal to their personality(cough stereotype) You have one fellow with sports games, another with nature, another with mind, and other assorted ones included Nintendo game blips. These include Mario jumping on goombas, or Samus blowing up mother brain. Those are just a few of the 200+ minigames. GAMPLAY: The gameplay of the game as you may already know revolves around minigames. The interface of the game is Wario’s home computer. He has the selection of his 8-9 friends plus games he gets to unlock. Each core person fits his own stereotype. Kat and Ana(katana) fit a nature sterotype and their games have chameleon’s eating seeds among many others. The game types are not important anyone can find something they like among all of the games. The core thing the moves the game along is inanity. The games come quicker at you ever 5 or 10 games. Then you reach a certain point and face a boss minigame. If you win you get a 5 second break and then the games difficulty gets harder. And the process repeats. This simple process seems dumb, but can cause for insane moments. When the goal of the game pops up you almost have to have an immediate reaction to the game. When it says smack….you better smack within one second, or else you’ll be seeing a game over screen soon. This game should not be bought for anything else other than re-playability insanity.

SOUND: The game sounds wacky…..extremely wacky. But hey its fitting to an odd game. Each person has a traditional song that plays through all the games. As the games speed up the music does, cause your heart to beat with the game. Becoming one with the Wario. Each sound effect is fitting and right

GRAPHICS: It’s not the best looking game on the game boy advance artistically…but it is still pretty decent. They are not 3d so you’re not gonna see jagged edges or anything. As for sound, they are fitting I cant see the game another way.

VALUE: Perfectly worth the money. You can spend hours trying to get the 100% and unlock the last minigame. Or you can purely keep picking up the game in small spurts just to beat your own high score. If you play the games story, I can GURANTEE you will be disappointed with it. But if you play it for 100% or beating yourself you will be pleased with the product you have bought.

MULTIPLAYER: There are four different games that can be played with 2 players on the same GBA. Involve hitting the “L” button for one player and “R” for the other. They are interesting, but this is not meant to be a multiplayer focused game. If you want to get all close with someone and play these games, go ahead nothing wrong with that….in some situations.

TILT: IMO this is an awesome game. You don’t get many games nowadays that focus less on the power and more about the gameplay. It is also a nice thing to have in your GBA library(even though it’s dying out). I normally find myself playing this game when I’m sitting on the couch bored as heck. If you own a GBA…and find this game cheap…get it you will be satisfied

In the end, this game is no revolutionary title. It hasn’t changed the face of gaming having 6 new games looking identical to it. The only notable game is WTF(work-time fun) coming out for the PSP. If nothing else, this is a good distraction to real life.

Thank you for reading the review