What is this? This isn't a game! Five Minute Fun at its worst.

User Rating: 1 | Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania GBA
What do you get when you have a greedy company with an idea that will do anything for money? This game. Well, this isn't really A game. It's more like a whole bunch of minigames - each lasting less than 15 seconds - which fail to amuse or even challenge the brain. It's a whole bunch of mindless gaming for the mindless short attention span generation. I guess that's why I felt like I kind of missed out with this game.

Now before you start bashing me with your colour gameboys chanting verses that will summon the "no fun spirit" from out of my body, here me out, because it could save you a wasted trip to the video game store. If you're looking for a game with no depth, no real story, nothing that will make you think after you've played it. Welcome to the "Five Minute Fun" game. That's how long I played it, and I guarantee that's how long you'll all play it, because after the fatal five minutes, the game becomes boring and repetitive. Those who give it 9s and 10s need to think for a second. You criticise a game for having a bad story, or no story at all, then you absolutely love this game and its story is non-existant! Please, one of the most important things for a game is a story, and to be honest, this defies this golden principal of gaming, in a bad way. Now this will spark numerous spin-offs, kids of that generation will grow up thinking mindless games without stories is what gaming is all about. They have been give nthe wrong idea by this game.

The graphics are horrible and really its a total gimmick and an insult to the gaming industry. Waste of effort and money. I want my five minutes of life back...
