I never thought Warioware could be this fun!This is a must buy for DS and Gameboy Advance Owners!

User Rating: 9 | Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania GBA
Once my friend said he didn't own a DS or Gameboy Advance anymore he asked me the question,"Do you want WarioWare?".I of course answered with a yes. Once I got home that night I started playing the game and found it very addicting and at times hard. I think that this game deserves A LOT of credit because its one of the only "Still Good" Gameboy Advance games. There are many minigames to play,sure you'll play some over ,but you'll also play lots of good,new,ones! The sound is good also!There is a different song for each minigame and screen you're on at the time! The music isn't the gkind most people would like ,but at least it changes it up a bit each time you play! The value was set to pretty high because it's ,like I said before, one of the "Still Good" Gameboy Advance games.It contains many minigames from past Nintendo titles,reality,and even some nature minigames,all are fun! I think this is a pick-up title if you own a DS or still play your Gameboy Advance or SP.The game should be still sold even though it's some what very old.That's why I give WarioWare Inc for the Gameboy Advance SP 9 games about cutting meat in half out of 10.