As a big fan of the Wario Land series ever since I got the first and a GB Pocket in 1997, this is the series best, IMO.

User Rating: 8.9 | Wario Land Advance: Youki no Otakara GBA
Let me just say this before I start; This game is NOT as bad as all the Wario Land 2 and 3 (Both of which rocked) fans say it is... Just different. I will give them this though; It's way too short for it's own good. If it weren't for that, I would've easily given this game a 9 something. Even still, it's worth the purchase by far at least for one run through the game.

Gameplay is your typical level-based platformer where you collect stuff. What's so great about the Wario Land series over other platformers is the awesome and useful moves, the big emphasis on puzzles that are actually fun, as well as the over all quirky feel. It's a lot like the last two Wario Lands in terms of atmosphere and transformations, just be warned that there is now a health meter unlike the previous two where you were invincible. I give gameplay a 9/10.

The graphics are just awesome. Not only is it good for GBA tech-wise (Yes, even to this day), it also just has an artistic flair of funk and weirdness. It's one of my favorite games to just sit and look at, so I give the graphics a 10/10.

The sound is a very appropriate fit to the games fit... That alone is worth something! I give the sound an 8/10.

Even though it was a little on the short side, I highly recommend buying this game.