A lot of fun to play, every PS3 owner should consider buying this game.

User Rating: 9 | Warhawk (w/Headset) PS3
This game is a lot of fun to play and so many ways to play it. There are lots of good players to compete against, giving you lots of satisfaction for every kill you earn. You could also just throw your life away again and again in an all out assault on the enemy flag or trying to get back your flag.
The game is incredibly balanced. You feel invincible in a tank if you're one on one with a foot soldier, but once a few people are trying to take you down you'll find your not maneuverable enough to survive them. That or someone flying a warhawk blows you up with missiles or cluster bombs. The warhawks on the other hand are easy prey for someone in a missile turret, but a good pilot will find the weakness of those turrets and you never feel safe in a turret. In fact, you never quite feel safe anywhere, you may not see any enemies but a sniper bullet will kill you across the map or a hidden land mine will blow you up. That's what makes this game so fun, it is a constant frantic fight that forces you to adjust your game play, and only fer 60 hours or so of playing have i started to become a little bored of the limited map selection. Overall, you really should try this game, and give it time since you will probably die a lot in the early going as the competition is already very fierce.