An entertaining fragfest!

User Rating: 8 | Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command PSP
I knew nothing about Warhammer until I downloaded the demo a few weeks ago. I was impressed enough to purchase the game and I'm glad I did. The single player game is fun, even if the enemy AI seems to be a little on the dumb side. What really makes this game for me is the multiplayer mode. Even though it is turn based, it is still fast paced with a 90 second limit on executing your turn. This makes for a chaotic, unpredictable game, but it is very satisfying when you win.

This game has the most satisfying weapons and explosions I've ever seen on a handheld, and the fact that you can blast away at walls to get at your opponent adds a twist to the strategy and tactics you employ.

The non rotatable camera is an annoyance, but not a show stopper, due to the availability of the overhead map view and the translucency of walls when you or you opponent are behind the walls. I'm just guessing, but the lack of a more adjustable camera view was probably a design trade off to allow for the destructible terrain. Being able to rotate the camera 360 degrees on a constantly changing landscape was probably too much for the PSP.

I'd love to see a full sequel or at least a map expansion pack for multi-player. I think if the designers make a few tweaks on the camera, make the AI a little more challenging, and further expand on the multiplayer, Warhammer 40K squad command game could edge in to superb territory for hand held games.