What were these people thinking!!!

User Rating: 4 | Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command DS
O.K. I played the board game, loved it.
Saw this game and wanted it. Second Worst Game I Own, do not ask about the first. I was hopping for a lot more. I mean come one it has bad graphics, no plot, I could not figure out the controls for the first thirty minuets. When I read the booklet, it did not help. What is the point of the game. I do not know. That is half the fun of any game. There about 12 armies in the board game, I was not expecting that, but what armies were I playing, space Marines I hope. Honestly, if I wanted a game with bad graphics I would have bought an NES for the same price. Might i add better games and graphics, kind of sad. My only warning do not by this game. Muliplayer, I do not know anyone who would want to play this game online. My only use is to annoy my friends with single card play (Worst Idea In Game =( )

Graphics, design, plot, controls, GAME

Very funny there were no good features.