This is a great strategy shooter!

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command PSP
I'm not sure what game the Gspot reviewer played, but this is a lot of fun. As I was playing I kept thinking, "why haven't they converted mercenaries,x-com and fallout to the PSP." PSP's wide screen means you get a good looking tactical map. Units are easy to see, there is a nicely used 'cloud of war' effect that includes smoke from your own blasting and walls falling.

I like that if you don't place shots well, you can injure your squad mates or even yourself.

I do agree that switching the controls would have made more sense. And the camera is useless during the enemy phase, as it sits behind the last guy moved rather than following who is getting shot at.

The game is short. I would have thought a few more campaigns could have been squeezed in. It's not like there is a huge variety of maps limiting it.

Mission briefings are a bit spotty which makes choosing your weapon load out a bit hit and miss too.

All in all this game is much more fun than its review rating might suggest.