I know that at first such a low score may seem unjustified; let me say immediately that I love this game.

User Rating: 5 | Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine X360
Relic/THQ/Microsoft took a dump on what should have been an epic title. From initial development being rushed to fulfill the second "official" release date, to the fact that it is October 27th and Exterminatus STILL has not been released for Xbox 360-with no projected release date announced yet.
Those familiar with the 40K universe will understand that to be a battle brother means no retreat, no surrender, no quarter given. There is plenty of gore and challenging fun to be had during the campaign, and minus minor clipping glitches, it satisfies and provides what you'd expect from this sort of game.
The multiplayer (VS) modes are somewhat short on the variety, and still have some serious connection/match-making/balancing issues, but as is the current trend (thanks money-hungry corporations, and silly gamers who are mindlessly supporting this trend) I'm certain DLC will provide more quality/variety down the road.
Ah... DLC, this brings me back to the initial paragraph. Now, I've been a fan of THQ since Homeworld. I must say that the support given to this title on their behalf warrants a complaint to the BBB. The very fact that this was even published without it's cooperative contingent means that it was simply put, an unfinished game from the get-go.
To placate the masses who raged, they announced the "free-DLC: Exterminatus", which, guess what, should've been there from the start, so it's paid for however you look at it. Lo and behold, the release of Exterminatus was to be "one month after game-release", but that too proved false.
So here we stand, lacking content promised to us amidst many competitors such as GoW3, et al, and we twiddle our thumbs awaiting any news we can get. I must mention that the PC/Steam and PS3 Exterminatus release dates were met (10/25).. so why is the Xbox360 version being neglected? Is this game even worth checking out only two months after it's release? I can't say it is, as much as I'd like to.