coming from the standpoint of a 40k fan, and a gamer i loved how visceral the game was. it definitely felt like 40k.

User Rating: 8 | Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine X360
The game was a little cookie-cutter in terms of game play, it was fun to feel like a total bad ass. which is the point of playing space marine. that said there are some flavor issues for the story that need... fleshing out. it could have told the story better. as far as game play, well the button mashing was ok, anyone who played dynasty warriors at length would appreciate that concept of combat. however dynasty warriors did put you on the battle fields of a huge battle with side missions and primary objectives. some food for thought would be to have an experience like that but with vehicles to break the monotony of button mashing close combat. also, the executions should have been brought to multi-player. lets face it, that was what kept the campaign going for me. the multi-player was a lot of fun for me, specially being part of a well organized chapter, (which i recommend), it was challenging and exciting, but mot overly frustrating. the challenge in the online play was superb. though there is one particularly abusive loadout that bugged me and many players. master crafted+favored of the armory... a no talent load out that i have no respect for. people abused it and got to lv. 41 by that load-out alone. still fun game has ups and downs, and had a decent story. it just needs a bit more.