I can see now why Warhammer has such a big following.

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm PC
I am a bit late in reviewing this game but I must say I definitely don't agree with Gamespot on this one.

I thought this game was an absolute blast and the replay value made the game worth twice the price.

Aside from some minor annoyances and repetitive voiceovers, I found the strategic aspects of fighting each class to be spot on. This was one of those games that gave me a definite sense of triumph after winning a battle, vs. some RTS games that I just think "whew, glad that's over."

Graphics - The graphics are clean and I experienced only a few bugs that simply required a quick reboot. Scrolling and screen movement was smooth, and load times were reasonable.

Gameplay - I am a big fan of being able to pause an RTS and think about my next move, and Warhammer gave me plenty of scenarios to think about. I like to "turtle" and build up my base to a level that is self defensive enough for me to max out my army and go in for one massive attack. Although this could be done in this game, it was not the case for each scenario and I liked the fact that Warhammer kept me on my toes and didnt have me repeating the same strategy again and again. Where the game did fall short was the pure lack of maps...Going into a battle for the 10th time on the same map did get a little old. But being able to build up my army so when the map did load I was already sporting a healthy army was fantastic. Many battles were won with an initial strike and took only minutes to complete...others took hours and never really seemed to get old. I wouldnt call it a bug per se, but there were times when the battle should have been over but I couldnt find that one last opponent to kill who might be hiding in some remote corner of the screen. This would have been a good time to use a fog of war cheat code, but I opted not to go that route.

Storyline - A bit cheesy and a we bit Final Fantasy'ish, but enough to make the battle enjoyable and satisfying to watch through from beginning to end.