As far as i can tell this game is just as awesome as any

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm PC
So here is the deal at first i realized the graphics were absolutely miserable they were blurred and then i found that you could go to the options windows and change the quality and now problem solved the graphics are great.

admittedly this is my first dawn of war so i wouldn't know if the gameplay is overused but as far as i can tell it is very good the campaign is interesting and londg as hell the new races are cool and everything is tip top as far as i am concerned one annoying thisng is with human groups when you click them they say stuff and sometimes it is obnoxiously long and loud and you often have to click them multiple times so that is annoying but other than that great game

base d on the review i was expecting a dissapointing game but i was very very very very pleasently surprized with the entire outcome
graphics 9
sound 7
gameplay 8
tilt 9
value 8