AVOID IT, it'll ruin your memories of previous Warhammer RTS experiences

User Rating: 1 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm PC
The main problem is the repetition of the same game play we've experienced in the last three games. There's nothing new here, and oddly enough none of the exciting OLD scenarios either.

The Unit AI has gotten DUMBER. For example, the hero unit will knock back enemies, throwing them out of his own Line of Sight and losing interest in them to switch to other (always less important target). I mean if you make the units un-managable at least give them some intelligent algorithm or at least a survival instinct, right now they are dumb, ineffective and suicidal!

The campaign difficulty scales has completely changed for the retarded. You have three settings, Easy, Medium, Hard.
Enemy AI in EASY is so retarded that it's good for beginners to the concept of Real Time Strategy games (or clicking a mouse).
Enemy AI in Medium is very very hard, to the point that it's frustrating. I mean if you want to experience what an Iraqi tank battalion commander must have felt like against the Coalition Forces, then maybe this might be educational for you.
Enemy AI in Hard is punishing to the point where you feel like it's cheating. There simply isn't enough time to produce as many troops as the computer AI will produce.

The game is gone back a bit, Dark Crusade was a far better gaming experience. So was every other game in the series thus far.

The story telling has gone from passable in the previous installation (this warhammer story line sounds like it was made by a futuristic axe-murderer who was locked into a prison cell with a copy of Lord of the Rings and came up with this little gem of a universe.

So if you really want to experience what was good about this series, get Warhammer Dark Crusade or any of the older ones (or just wait for Starcraft 2) otherwise if you had no interest in the genre or the franchise, skip this blatant attempt to squeese more cash out of the fan base.