If you want the story, read the book first, otherwise I wouldn't bother with this game

User Rating: 5 | Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior PS2
When I first saw this game in 2003 or 2004 I wanted to buy it because the cover looked cool but my mom didn't want me to get another video game, however we walked into a bookstore and I saw the Fire Warrior book and she got me this instead. I'm really glad this happened. I read the book and liked it, but then forgot about it. A few years later I bought saw this game for under $10 and bought it.
This game tries to emulate the new FPS must with the 2 weapons only, unfortunately 1 has to be a Tau (the race of the main character) weapon so you are pretty restricted in the middle of the game if you wanted to carry a plasma gun and a bolter and in the end the Tau weapon is the only one you'll need to use. A melee attack is added in the form of a knife (which you have to switch to like a gun), but I'd be surprised if you ever used it.
The story, although very intriguing in the book, is virtually non-existent in the game. I started rereading the book because I couldn't tell what was going on in the game. Several objectives did not make sense to me until I got to that part in the book and then I realized why I was supposed to do what I did.
All in all this game is a decent shooter if you read the book, but otherwise it's just a bad game.