I really don't understand Gamespot here, okay it's no strategy game like Warhammer usely is.

User Rating: 7.9 | Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior PC
I do understand if Warhammer fans don't like the game. Warhammer is a game made for the board, and it's normaly a strategy game on the PC but here we don't have a strategy game at all but a F.P.S. similar to Iron storm. So if we forget that it's a Warhammer origin then I think it's a grate game I had some wherry exiting hours when I first did get a hang of how to play the game.

I really don't understand Gamespot here but maybe they did'nt test more that just the start of the game, else I cand understand them at all.

I think the game deserves a better score that 4.3 between 6 and 8 is more like it. Even if you don't like the game, it's still a game whit out any major problem's, it have quid good graphics and a grate storyline the sound is Okay too, also it dos'nt have any total impossible maps. parts where your stuck ed in the game. But sometimes it's quid ruff and hart to get trough the maps, but it realy just makes it the game more interesting to play I think.

Ther's only one minus. it is to be able play the Game at all, you neat to reconfigure the keys, and thats not so simple Theo, but that's the only majour fallout it hase. If you don't reconfigure the keys it's not possible to play the game and enjoy it at the same time. But that's also the case whit a lot of other games I think.
So from here a OK and I really do see foewerd to there new relese in the end of this yea!!r