Pretty Good. This is a "must have" for all 40k and DoW fans.

User Rating: 8.7 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault PC
The new units added to Winter Assault add a lot more color of the 40k universe to the game. They have pretty good voice work and animations, plus add some nice twists to the armies. Fire Dragons really do a siginificant ammount of damage to vehicals and buildings, and berzerkers can tie up enemy units for a while while the chaos troops pound stuff from behind. The Chaplian is great just on principle, and it's always good to have another powerful marine running around boppin people on the head. Ork Nobz in armor are very tough, and do quite a lot in H2H. Relic delivered on all promises of these new units. The best addition, I feel, is the Imperial Guard. But with so many user-made mods out there, they are not entirely new to the community. They are VERY similar to the Steel Legion Mod that just became available. I actually have a theory that the Steel Legion was done on the side of one of the game's programers, and is a Steel Legion 40k player. Very very similar. The tech priest has the best voice work as he is incredbly arrogant. The tech tree has been changed, leading to a "Re-mixed" version of DoW. The same process of building your army from DoW will not work very well here. The AI has been changed up a bit, making it, I think, harder. I am having a hard time winning against the CPU in skirmishes, but then again, I don't have much time to get good at these games. In skirmish games, you will find early "double-team" rushes, and find yourself holding off two growing armies on your own. I almost always watch my ally get crushed in the first minute of playing. Kinda takes a lot away from the game if you're looking forward to building up the high-tech units, as the games are short from just being overwhelmed early. Rather frustrating, but that's just me. I'm not an online player, but I imagine these changes will greatly benefit the online community. In the end, I'm rather impressed with everything they've done. The storey line, again, can get a little sappy and overly-dramatic in the campaign. I have a hard time listening to the commissar sound like a side-kick when in the 40k world they'd have no regrets to executing a general as easily as a solider. But that's just 20 years of 40k coming out there... All I can say negative, is i'd like to see the AI tweaked a bit for single player skirmish games. I find "Easy" pointless to play as they do pretty much nothing. The worst you'll face is 2 building and a handful of scout units... And "standard" get ready for early double team rushes and heavy armor within a matter of minutes. But then again, maybe that's just because I suck. I'm left with a feeling of hoping this isn't the last upgrade... I'd like to see the necrons be a playable army in the next upgrade, as well as another army. But then again, the modding community is doing such an incredible job... I've been suggesting DoW and WA to people just for what the user-modders are doing. Hope this is helpful.