...Winter assualt adds a new dimension to an already classic game with the addtion of a new army and campain...

User Rating: 8.7 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault PC
Dawn of war is a classic game with a fast paced ,to the point combat, with a big on-line communtiy. The game is based on the table top batle game warhammer 40k of which I am a big fan :). So when the expasion came out, the forum community went berserk and rightly so the expasion --winter assualt-- adds a fantasic double sided campian which tells the same story from 2 views 1 being order (imperial guard and eldar) the other dis-order (orks and chaos.) and adds a new army that being imperial guard. The campain lasts 5 missions on either side it is based around the defence of an imperial titian forged in Mars with a supprise at the end!?! its has plenty on game time and a resonable amount of depth -at least more then the first- The new army Imperial guard is more of a novice army though if you master it proves a hard army to defeat, with very effective ranged combat with bassilsk arty and leamon russ tanks ''soz if thats spelt wrong'' the infantry are weak with few exceptions, priests and ogryns are the most effective in close range.Its super weapon is the massive baneblade which can lay waste to a whole army if given some support. Other features are : New maps the new maps are mainly snow maps with added FX features in them for instance in some maps it snows/rains and in options you can put on persistant bodies so you can see where a massive battle has ocurred. Changes to tech trees For instance you need to upgrade your machine cult if you play as space marrines to get the landraider, this is because people were playing games just with the tech lv 1 units and ambushing other players early New units added Each of the classic armies now have 1 new unit added Orks have orks in 'evy armour ''these are the terminator version of orks strong but slow'' Space marrines get the chaplin ''a hero type unit'' Eldar get the fire dragons ''these are good against armour makeing eldar more well rounded and finaly chaos get korn bersekrs which are very good in close combat. New sync kills new units more awsome moves for the animation team to work on the new and old units have new sync kills '' where 1 unit kills another with some rele kl move is the only way I can describe them.''my fav is when the priest drills his chainsaw into some pour souls belly. But this game is not perfect it does not for instance improve graphics engine ''mainly cuz its not a NEW game just an expasion'' some armies have been made worse by these changes for instance chaos recieve no effective anti-tank weapons till they get a preditor outfitted with lasguns. Units sometimes get confused when moving around buildings. All in all this game is ESSENTIAL if you are a die hard dawn of war fanatic since a large amount of the gameing community will be upgrading to this its new army and campian given dawn of war a lift it needed before it faded out of interest the expasion will please die hards and hopefully captivate new players to give this classice RTS a try. Written By Jango4000 (aka HolyHoBo, Squrriel_Food) Inpsired by the Pirates who dont do anything ''those who have never licked a spark plug''