awesome and cool

User Rating: 9.7 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault PC
this is one of my favourites, if not my favourite game of all times As if you didnt already know this, this is the expantion pack for dawn of war
The graphics in the game are top notch specially since it lets you zoom in and see how ugly some of your minions are(specially the battle scarred commisars), each unit has ways of killing and some do it quite well, its almost like a cinematic experience everytime you fight(counted that you have the time to watch your people fight rather than lead and possibly help them)

the music feels makes you blood thirsty nouf said

The gameplay in the game makes it shine, you go around setting flags to places that increase the flow of requisition(cash) you'll also need power to make most of the stuff which is done by building(youll never see this one coming) POWER generators, since massing units simply wont work youd better be prepared to say goodbye to your stuff for new ones, luckily living souls are cheap in the game and you can get more in a squad by means of asexual reproduction(this holds true for weapons aswell)

what makes the game shine best though has to be when you play with others(you might get bored with this game quickly if you have no friends so shame if you do) each fight will leave you restless and wanting for more, every match there is bound to be excitement and afterwards a chance to brag

what i dont like is the dammed ai, in a big army personal space seems to be really important for the fuzzy albeit soon to be dead units so while the guys in the front will be mauled by incoming forces the guys in the back will just stand and watch until its their turn to be exterminated