Not a bad booster for a really good game.

User Rating: 8.6 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault PC
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War: Winter Assault adds a whole bunch of goodies for those RTS gamers. For one thing a whole new race to play as. The Imperial Guard serve as the "Hammer of the Emperor". They may die by the millions a day but just like any other race if you can master them, they are unstoppable. The race is truly unique and typically i don't like the classic human vs. aliens because it's just to repetitive in every game, but this game adds them into the original game just right. And it has been quite a bit of time since the original game was released so this will throw in another race to master. Now comes the other minor details. The maps and bug fixes Oh! and in a not so minor case each race gets a new special unit. For example the Space Marines get the Chaplain which is one of my favorite characters from the original table top game. This expansion bottom line adds content that is really worth having. Dawn of War fans should have picked this game up by now. It's Immersive and adds great multiplayer.