For an expantion pack, there is alot for this game to offer.

User Rating: 9.8 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault PC
War is never pretty. War is hell. But in this universe, war is everything. I myself own a few models of Space Marines, and I thought they were cool, which is why I decided to play this game. The first game was amazing, and it emphasises what I like best about a strategy game: The fighting. I'm a Command & Conquer fan, always was, but sometimes you just want to fight enormous battles with unites that shoot guns as well as wield swords, this game is that.

To tell the truth, I didn't go too deep in the single player to find out what the story is, I do enjoy a good story in my games. But, I went strait to the skirmish to play around with the Imperial Guard. I did the tutorial, (yeah, I know I shouldn't have) but found myself pushing on ahead, by the time the tutorial was showing me the camera controls, I had an army of Guardsmen assembled and rolling. I had captured all the territories on my side of the map already. So I guess I didn't need to do that.

Then, I played around in a regular skirmish. I had a chance to build a few Basilisks, Ogryns, even the Baneblade. But then the match was over. Then, I played another, as the Chaos Space Marines and messed with the Khorne Berserkers. There cool. Then, just to find out, I tried the Single Player. First Disorder,(cause I like being the bad guy) I found it mildly difficult considering you only start out with a squad of orks and a warboss, then it got exciting. I made it to the second level, then quit.

So, I guess if you are a fan of Warhammer 40,000 or a fan of RTS in general, check it out.
