Overall, this really isn't worth buying unless you feel the need to own EVERY Dawn of War expansion.

User Rating: 5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm PC
The game doesn't really add anything exciting. The single player campaign is so similar to its predacessor, Dark Crusade, that it feels like a re-run. Again, you are placed in a situation where each empire has a few controlled territories, and you must conquer each one to win. The only contrast from Dark Crusade is that the former took place on one planet, while Soulstorm takes place on several planets, spreading out the land. The two new empires -Dark Elder and Sisters of Battle - don't really add much to the multiplayer. The only way that I can think of any addition to the multiplayer is the Sister's of Battle's penchant for battling with flame-throwers. It would work really well against the Imperial Guard's weak morale and penchant for fighting at a distance. Overall, this really isn't worth buying unless you feel the need to own EVERY Dawn of War expansion.