dawn of war II retribution is so awesome the primarch's themselves probably have steam ID's now.

User Rating: 9.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution PC
dawn of war 2' s second installment retribution is simply put stunning. its fun, satisfying and has you begging for more on your hands and knee's when its over. i can safely say that if you DINT like dawn of war II your going to at want to at the very least buy this game at a sale of some kind and if you loved it or chaos rising. you need no reason to buy this game beyond seeing the franchise move forward.

graphics: visually crisp with new environments and effects this is certainly a treat for the eye despite using an engine nearing 4+ years old it still looks as crisp as the day it rolled out on its first press-room floor.

audio: gunfire clatters, blades clash, men/woman scream n yell. the audio here is very fresh, very satisfying and the dialogue rivals that of starcraft II or other name players in the rts genre.

gameplay: cover mechanics have been improved and reworked dramatically, enemies are smarter and very often you will find yourself either outgunned or out numbered in odds you didn't think were fair from the outset and many cases you will be taking pauses taking in the fact that your 4 squads single-handedly took on that many opponents relatively unscathed. the above being said the loot mechanics have become far more bizarre and the gameplay may feel a bit awkward to veterans but you quickly learn to adapt. last stand and multiplayer also have had new improvements and fixes and the abandonment of gfwl makes this game a must own.

misc. comments: no more gfwl, improve gameplay, no more gfwl, new units and an actually very tough singleplayer, no more gfwl.
this is simply put the best rts/rpg walking on two legs atm that doesn't feel visually dated or broken
if you don't have fun playing retribution.... you either have no taste in games or have come across a very nit icky reason that escapes me.. angelos slays 9 demons and hurts one more.. out of 10