the Begining of all...

User Rating: 10 | Warcraft: Orcs & Humans PC
Yes, isn't nice... Isn't fast... Isn't the best game... BUT it was the FIRST rts in my life... It has my loyalty and my admiration.

In that time we don't have computers with HI-TEK like today and the companies usually focus on the storyline, the innovation and the game play.

For me and my Squad, this game mark owr lives (like others today). I'll give a 10. WarCraft: Orcs & Humans is a Classic and beloved by many of us, even when the most of rts's gamers don't want to accept it.

thanks to Blizzard, for create a saga so amazing, so rich, so beautiful and so funy.

thanks to my parents, for let me play so many hours when i were a child.

and thanks to my squad (my friends and games partnerts).