This game still makes me smile after all these years.

User Rating: 10 | WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos PC
There are still a lot of people who play this game online and for good reason. It's very addictive and fun. I loved the single player campaign and then after that I have played so many multiplayer battles I just might be scared to know how many! I prefer Warcraft to Starcraft. I do respect Starcraft, but it's just a matter of taste. I like the environments better. The sounds and graphics still hold up fairly well. I love the heros. Everyone of them. I kind of see this as Blizzard's crowning achievement. I'm sure some disagree. I have put time into World of Warcraft and Starcraft II. I still come back to this one the most. I usually play The Frozen Throne for multiplayer because a lot more people play that one online. And I like the extra units and hero. She's a badass. If there is one RTS game I could be stuck with forever it would be this one. I sure hope that Warcraft IV is on the horizon someday. Maybe they will make that before the next wow? Time will tell. I think it could be unbelievably great. For now I am still having fun with this one. One of my all time favorites.