Just a great RTS.

User Rating: 9.5 | WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos PC
I absolutely loved everything about this game. Let me start by saying that I am abysmal at RTS, but with Blizzard's RTS's you just want to keep getting better. The campaign in this game is just fantastic. It is completely story driven, and while it feels a tad cliched it's just prefectly pulled off. The game's cartoony design adds a sense of humour to what would otherwise be a little too serious and (I hate to say the word, but) nerdy. Every character in the story is memorable and designed excellently. The cartoony graphics make even the orcs look cute.The teams are balanced to absolute perfection, which is what is expected of any Blizzard game, and I have complete confidence in saying Blizzard is one of the best, if not the best game developer of all time (along with Ninty, of course.) Now, don't even get me started on the muliplayer. The online is just brutally hard, even with the many hours I have spent attempting to hone my skills I barely ever win. And then there are the custom maps. The map editor feature allows players to create totally original concepts and play them over Battle.net. Some of the games are pretty much just as good as the original game itself, from DotA to all the RPG's to Uther' Party and so many others, there is tons of fun to be had. My only major gripe with the game is not actually with the game but the unforgiving nature of the players, particularly in the standard matches and DotA. I recommend practising ALOT, because the online community can be noob un-friendly.