This game is what i say is a very cool game that i could play in hours

User Rating: 10 | Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos MAC
How to play warcraft

To play warcraft in costom game, you will start up with 5 workers, if you want to send five workers to the gold mine you could, but I must say if you are a beginner, take two workers to the gold mine, two to cut the woods and gain lumber and one to build your building but make sure and create your altar of kings and choose one character for now, and then when you have enough gold and lumber build farms and workers to work your way to the top and make sure to upgrade your town hall to keep then castle, but you have to build a barracks and then create a solider and you will havea big chance to have a great victory.


These are cheats for warcarft and these are awesome cheats, whosyourdaddy= god mode, warpten= To move faster and sharp and shiny=and upgrade.


I didn't beat this game yet but I will get there soon, I am close to beating human campaign. The campaign is a bit easy but it is a cool challenge and awesome gameplay