This game very interesting for me because it is the first strategy game i encountered with.... beautiful design..

User Rating: 8.5 | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC
May be this game should be legendary games... because of its complexity... solid design combined with really brilliant storyline.... very very awesome i must said.... this game is particularly hard but if you enjoy it and flow by.... you dont need your head boiling to solve this game.... really hard to tell but very disappointing that the campaign tab is very short!!! if the story is more longer... may be its more interesting ... because it is highly and extremely addictive... so when i finished this game.... i said that oh my god.... i want more.. even i have played both reign of chaos and frozen throne... and i have downloaded several scenario.... but want more!!!! yeah in reign of chaos series, i sense a complicated trouble ahead... so i tried up to beat that game.... and than... i thought that game is my first lesson due another strategy game.... this game leads me to master several strategy games easily... when i heard frozen throne has released, i found and buy it... store to overwrite it on the past prequel... and then i found something same as the prequel.... thats why i like this game