Something about this game is truly epic

User Rating: 9 | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC
This game's success proves its own worth. Even now in 2008, people are playing DOTA and enjoying it thoroughly.

I'm not sure why this game is so great. It might be the fun races/classes and gameplay. It might be the balancing and the epic storyline. Or maybe it's its high customizable options in terms of map making, which resulted in DOTA, a highly evolved and addictive multiplayer function. Mmm...well maybe its all that.

Warcraft III is one of those games that you just have to buy, that is, if you want to play it, because the multiplayer options are irresistible. This is one of those games in High School, when you need a graphic card upgrade, just so you could make it work.

I'm not sure how much value this game holds in the present day. Still high, but not as high maybe. But like a war-veteran still strong on his feet, who used to have the world at his feet back in the day, Warcraft III deserves its share of praise