War World's addicting multiplayer makes this the most FUN XBLA game out there. FUN IS ALL THAT MATTERS!

User Rating: 7 | War World X360
I give this game an 7.0 out of 10 simply because of its simple yet addicting Xbox Live mulitplayer (MP) component. I say its simple because there just isn't arent alot of modes in the MP however you do have your standard deathmatch and team deathmatch types. My time playing with the MP I found myself wondering why more xbla games arent this fun playing on live. This game is not deep, this game has no real story, but it deserves and 7.0 because this game will certainly keep you entertained simply because it muliplayer will keep you playing. Oh and dont let me forget to mention that the graphics are really something to behold, there amazing and for an XBLA title they are very impressive.

(My initial score for this game was an 8.5 which was a premature scoring in which I meant to adjust when I was done writing the review. I apologize for the confusion.)

(repeat)I give this game an 7.0 out of 10 simply because of its simple yet addicting Xbox Live mulitplayer (MP) component. I say its simple because there just isn't arent alot of modes in the MP however you do have your standard deathmatch and team deathmatch types. My time playing with the MP I found myself wondering why more xbla games arent this fun playing on live. This game is not deep, this game has no real story, but it deserves and 7.0 because this game will certainly keep you entertained simply because it muliplayer will keep you playing.