One of the best free to play games today

User Rating: 8 | War Thunder PC

The game is quick to learn, hard to master, never super-easy, as the matchmaking always puts you against at least a few of higher-rank adversaries who if you kill off grant you more research points.

Basically, you research your crews, your vehicles, customize them visually and with ammo and payload differences, progression is really fast at the beginning, slows down greatly which is a standard of course.

Fights are nicely done, each plane type for example has it's function in a battle, bombers pounds the bases and the airfields, attackers mostly bomb out the ground targets such as AAA or tanks, pillboxes etc, and fighters do their job.

Frustrating moments - well, they're only PvP related, if you don't have your squad, expect to be frustrated often, as players move around uncoordinated, without a plan or aim, especially on russian servers, which will lead to a mission failure most of the time.

But all in all, if you do have a coordinated team, you will find this game awesome, nothing better then to have a wing getting up int the skies 6 km, covering the bombers, jabbing through the air downwards on the unsuspecting enemies, killing off a few of them in only one dive.

Bare in mind I haven't played many MMOs of this type, only WoT, WoPlanes and now this one, and have to say Warthunder beats those two.
