
User Rating: 9 | WarRock PC
Hello All lets get stirght to the point warrrock is one of the most funnest free fps games right now for me and u download it so u dont gotta spend 30 40 dollars. Next even though it is a beta right now its not gonna b beta in late december so thats a good time to get the game b4 then so u learn how to play the graphics are great sounds great to me every thing about this game is flipping great the only thing i am disgusted by in this game is the way some weapons effect people like in halo if u shoot the rocket launcher near a person it will most likely kill them but in this if u do that the person isnt effected at all so the rocket launchers really only effect the rides there are 5 classes Combat,Scout,Medic,Engineer,Heavy Weapons Unit. Quick lay down on em Combat is a dude with a ozzy shooting the crap out of u :D(most likely me), Scout is a sniper sorta nothing 2 explain here, Engineer is someone who repairs rides if they get jacked and they got somthing like a Combat would have,Medic they got a health drug thing that they inject in themselves i say that shes taking drugs and last the Heavy weapons Unit these are the badasses they walk with a pistol and a freaking rocket launcher i dare u 2 touch them they will blow u eazy!!!!!!!!(BTW its allll ONLINE) plus around early January they are gonna have somthing like Bf2 which is the in game chat joint cant wait!!