War and Frustration

User Rating: 4.3 | War & Peace PC
Being a war games fan, I jumped to the opportunity to acquire this game; it belonged to my favourite era of Napoleonic war. The installation was choppy and I had to re-install twice before it stopped crashing after a very thrilling starting movie clip. That short clip was perhaps the best part of the game. It proceeded senseless frustration thereafter.
You play as a historical ruler of the time who has to build and expand his empire. You can build a restricted number of buildings in each city you own. So different buildings have to be built at different places to allow both military and economic growth. Game has diplomacy field as well, that is modestly developed.
Soon after I entered the game, for no reason different countries one by one started to declare war on me. Even the countries that I did not share borders with! I managed to build military units and saw off few meagre armies that came my way and then started invading them. My empire expanded well and I managed to get technological advances but so did the enemy. It finally happened that My arch enemy Austria lost every thing except Vienna that had advanced fortifications by the time I besieged it. Believe me I lost 50+ guns and could not breach the walls. I finally gave up after one hour of game play of this seige when I ran out of treasury money of my great empire to built up any more guns. I then decided to give this game away to a charity shop.
The game shows nice landscape of Europe. The sprites of soldiers are like ants crawling. I squinted over the PC to figure out what was what especially during the battles. Making troops face in a particular direction was a puzzle that I couldn't master. The game had some nice sea battles but one didn't need special expertise to win these. Just build more ships and get these close enough to the enemy ships. Music was okay but there wasn't much voice acting. All in all the gaming experience left me tired. I am glad I won't be playing it any more!