Its your typical duck and cover shooter

User Rating: 7 | Wanted: Weapons of Fate X360
Many games these days are following the duck and cover formula with this one being no exception. The gamespot review seems to look for the bad versus any good but I'm sure most basic shooter gamers will find some value in this title.

First of all, most games based on movies are really bad so this game deserves credit just for not sucking. This game did not copy the story from the movie, instead created a story continuation from the end of the movie that is worth experiencing especially if your a fan of the movie. Some missions even have you play as Cross via flashbacks which is a nice added touch and provides some variety.

The difficulty level for the game is easy as everyone says and will most likely appeal more to casual shooter fans. The first 7 missions seemed very easy but the difficulty stepped up a bit with the final 2 missions. The boss battles were very easy and seemed to be thrown in just so they would actually have boss battles. The boss battles forced the gamer to use special skills from training.

Bullet curving was well done and very fun to use but more importantly never gets old. It seems that you needed to target your enemy first before triggering bullet curve because if you just chose to do a bullet curve it would lock onto a random target or the ground. Once you get used to curving bullets it was a snap to pull off.

Overall this game is definitely worth the 6-10hrs everyone is saying it takes to complete but since there is not much replay value I would say rent it collect your achievements and return. There are a slew of games in the 6-10hrs category so saying this game is too short would be like saying a bunch of titles are too short.

Good: Continued storyline separate from movie, funny comments from Wesley, Easy game with some challenging missions.
Bad: Not much replay value, unnecessary or frequent load times, occasional graphical glitches, cannot play on killer difficulty until assassin difficulty is beat

Achievement Difficulty: 4/10. Beating the game on Assassin difficulty one-time play through will get you about 400pts and then playing on the Killer difficulty would probably get most of the rest. Most findable items are easy to get since the game is so linear but if your missing just one you will have a hard time figuring out which one and what mission. Same thing with the explodable rats. Playing on Assassin unlocks the lower difficulty so getting approx 30pts per missions is reasonable.