Wanted: Weapons of Fate A serious lack of said weapons and fun.

User Rating: 5 | Wanted: Weapons of Fate PS3
If you like the Wanted license as a comic or the movie, checking out Wanted: the game is still a poor choice.
Starting with the game play, it actually improves on Gears of War cover mechanic. When you find yourself in cover, the game will show you various options to other cover points. You get a power that allows you to move to the other point in slow motion, letting you kill enemies. This looks cool, but one in the limited move-set.
The game just doesn't offer enough. You only have two guns in the whole game, plus your knife. Your enemies have different weapons, but you can't pick them up. The missions also lack variety. You start with the run and gun, and branch off to either a quick time event. (Hint: shoot the enemies and the glowing sweet spot). And then a turret or sniper level. That's it.
Back to the move-set, besides the cover mechanic you can bend bullets, just like the movie. You have a meter that prevents you from abusing any powers you have, but you fill it up by dispatching the enemies. I found that bending bullets was only helpful some of the times. The enemies don't really pose a threat.
The presentation while not terrible just doesn't leave an impression. The graphics are serviceable. Character models look decent, especially the main characters. But, the sound is lacking. The music score is there and does the job, but the speech…..
Actually it's the script; the voice actors do a good job with a script that abuses the F word liberally. I guess the Wanted license prides it self with swears, Levels are named with them. It just comes off as childish.
In the end I rented the game, its short anywhere between 3 to 6 hours. I enjoyed the movie, never read the comics (and still not really propelled to read them), but the game as a stand alone product is very mediocre.
5 out of 10