Yes, it curves the bullet but dosen't always hit the target. Wow, that was cheesy.

User Rating: 7 | Wanted: Weapons of Fate PS3
Wanted weapons of fate is probably the best movie game I have played in quite some time. (Except for Riddick) But that doesn't mean it's perfect.
The story is a sequel to the movie where the main character Wesley Gibson tries to find out how his mother died and who killed her. Also you will get more back story on Cross (Wesley's father) and how he found out about the scheme behind the fraternity. All in all it isn't the best story but it's alright and gives you a bit more information to help understand the film. But if you're not a big Wanted fan (like me) you're not missing out on anything special.
Gameplay is where wanted shines. It's a cover shooter at heart, but instead of copy and pasting of uncharted or gears, the developers have put a very fast paced to how you get in and out of cover. While in cover you can point at the cover you want to go to next, be it in front of you or to the side. Then you simply click X and Wesley or Cross move to that cover without you having to move the analogue. I applaud the developers for trying something new and it definitely makes the game seem more fun. And the animations are pretty good when Wesley or Cross move between cover as well. But even in hardest difficulty it can make the game easy. Like the film curving bullets plays a big part in the game and it's really what makes the gameplay fun. When an enemy is refusing to get out of cover you simply hold down R1 and a red line will lock on to an enemy. You can control the depth and curve directory of the bullet and when the path is clear and the line turns white for bullet to hit the enemy you release R1 and sometimes you are treated to a slow motion camera which follows the bullet and instantly kills the enemy unlucky enough to receive it. Very cool and never gets old. There is also a slow motion move where you move in between cover by pressing triangle instead of X and shoot enemies. But all these moves come at a price. Every time you kill an enemy a little bullet at the top right hand corner of the screen will become red. This acts as your power metre. A simple curve means one bullet, a slow motion means two and so does a storm of curved bullets which explode on impact when using the twin oozes. (This is BADASS!") If you kill an enemy using these powers you get to keep the red bullet(s) you gambled. There is no weapon selection in the game, it's you and your pistols. This is fine because the games concentration is on you getting more powerful not in masses of guns to play with. There is also a quick time event moments, but instead of pressing a button to continue time slows down and you aim and shoot the enemy and bullets flying at you. It's a nice twist to the old formula.
Now the bad part. It's all too easy. As I mentioned before the cover and the all your abilities makes the games' enemies really easy to defeat since they can't bend bullets. Speaking of enemies, the way they are designed feels very old fashioned. The guy wearing the hoody can be killed in one or two shots, the guy with the shot gun and wearing a suit is really strong and takes five to eight shots. The list goes on this fashion. Yes, other games do this but they do a better job of hiding it. In cover you can't be injured, which is great that's the whole point of cover. But when enemies are not damageable in cover even when a bit of their body is clearly out for you to shoot it can get frustrating. Thank god you have the curve shot. And finally, the game is to short and lacks variety in levels. The game takes less than five hours in the hardest difficulty to complete so it can be completed in one sitting. And I would have liked the game to have shacked it up a little. In the movie there's some car chases so why not put one or two levels in there being a car chase. That would be cool. In terms of replay ability there isn't much. There's headshot mode, close quarters combat mode and speed running. I would have rather had just an arcade mode (COD4 style) and to have had been able to post my scores online, but no.
Graphics overall are actually alright. That's kind of it there's nothing really stand out about the graphics. But some of the in game cut scenes also serve as loading screens so they look terrible, but there are just enough CG cut scenes to make up for it.Theres sosme good music scores and the voice acting is good too, although there is some really stupid dialogue.
So overall Wanted is just plain fun and for me is a guilty pleasure.