Play this before you read all the crummy and unfair reviews.

User Rating: 8 | Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit PS2
This is a great game! I read a few online reviews on american websites and they all said it was rubbish. Well Wallace & Gromit are english and I think that you americans are very unfair towards them. I read to english reviews in magazines and one gor 8/10 and one got 84%. I played the demo an it was brilliant.

Gameplay: The gameplay is very easy and simple but is really well done and really captures the way the characters move in the films. Very basic. But very good. Simple things done very very right!

Graphics: The graphics are really excellent. The character models (especially Wallace & Gromit) look great! Just like their plastecine counterparts. The cutscene graphics are also very good.

Sound: The best part of this game without a doubt is the sound! The voice acting is brilliant, especially Wallace who is played by the brilliant (british!) Peter Sallis who does the voice of Wallace in the films. The music is also brilliant and so are the sound effects like the bun gun and the other array of weird and wonderful gadgets.

Value: This game is brilliant value! After you have finished the missions, or if you get bored of them, you can just go around the town GTA style causing havoc. This brilliant feature gives this game tons of replay value as the normal storyline will take a while to complete on it's own! Well worth the £24.99 I bought it for on