shallow but cute

User Rating: 6 | Disney*Pixar WALL-E X360
I have not seen the movie so there might be a lot of easter eggs and references that I do not get. This is a very typical puzzle game with what you would expect with the "official game of the movie" tie ins. There isn't anything really shocking or innovative about this game. All you do basically is collect 3 different types of blocks, normal, heavy, and electrical, to unlock various switches, gadgets, and doors, to continue on the game. There is a robot love relationship going on here but its just kinda cute. At some points in the game the art style does a good job of capturing the universe. The cutscenes shine more from the actual game witch is expected from Pixar. They were headed in the right direciton many times but just didn't put that extra effort to make this game stand out. None of the puzzles require a lot of thinking and the only thing that will keep you from succeeding are the funky controls or the camera. The Camera is terrible, it pops in and out of walls when you are doing platforming. Also This game is very unforgiving when it comes to falling. Any time you fall a medium distance you die. There are red floors on later levels which you barely touch you instantly die. For a game that is so easy this is the only thing that gives frustration. There are a lack of checkpoints on areas where you must platform to collect objects. One mistake and you have to do the same thing over. That can be very pointless. The Audio just goes on recycle. There are some funny lines in there and some neat sounds, but they just repeat over and over again and again. Half the buttons on the controller are either worthless or redundant. I think this game is for kids but, anyone can enjoy it, but I don't see myself replaying it. This is for achievement whores