It's just what anyone would want of the first pirate style MMORPG of all...

User Rating: 9 | Voyage Century PC
Well, i'ts a game that just feels right to play. I could resume it into that. It's big. Really big. And the naval battles are just fun, with a few strategic part, and really instintive. The battles at land are just like the old MMORPG's, with specials, and everyhing else. But usually, you won't waste your time fighting at the land, but at the sea. Another good point of the game is the guild system. You can battle in groups with your guild, against another guilds, each one with it's ship. Usually, you're gonna be called to a guild of your country, but you can also create one. Each guild have a CQ, used for reunions and other things of use. The quest system is the easiest and more rewardable, financerely talking, thing in the game. Some times all you got to do is go to another island transportating bananas to get 25000$. The only bad point is the difficult. It's really hard to understand things at the beginning, but wih the time you get it, and it's really rewardable to play.