Fun, but not for long

User Rating: 6.5 | Viva Pinata X360
When I first put in Viva Pinata I wasnt expecting mutch, but I was still let down. At first its kinda cute and fun. You start out with a messy piece of land that you then clean up. Pinatas slowy start to come to your land as you plant seeds they like or have other Pinatas that atract them. For the first hour or so its fun planting things and trying to get more Pinatas. After that it gets boring fast. You will find yourself sitting there wondering if something cool will happen. Between feeding your Pinatas, matting them, and watching them do nothing, there is nothing to do. I even tried beeting my Pinatas for some fun, but I got nothing. I ended up returning this game after 3 days. I could not find anything to keep me playing. The graphics were good, the concept was good, but there were no cool features to keep this game seeming new. Everything seemed the same and it was a big let down for me. If you like the idea of creating a lot and caring for your Pinatas then you should enjoy this game. But if you are a more hardcore gamer as myself, you will get bored quickly and wishing you didnt buy this game.