It's like Mario Kart and Mario Party having a handicap child.

User Rating: 5.5 | Viva Pinata: Party Animals X360
As a fan of Viva Pinata games, I felt I should pick this one up. I mean hell, it was only $15 at gamestop, and I figured you can't go wrong with cute, colorful pinata's competing in minigames.

Boy was I wrong.

I put the game in, sat down with a few friends and started playing. We start off by racing - which was a disaster. The camera angles are terrible, you don't know where you are going and the power ups make no sense. I got over that and gave the mini games a chance, which were just as bad. They were all repetitive, I felt like I was playing a bad version of Mario Party. You start off racing, then play 3 minigames, than race again.

Not only was a ready to hit these pinatas with a stick, I was ready to write a letter to Microsoft telling them to NEVER put a party game on Xbox again.

A kid will probably enjoy this game, as far as older gamers go, stick with the strategy Viva Pinata games - it will save yourself a headache.