Still one of the best Wrestling games ever made.

User Rating: 8.8 | Virtual Pro Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou N64

GRAPHICS-About the same as WWF Wrestlemania 2000, good enough for N64

GAMEPLAY-Greatly improved game play over Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 and WM2K. There are now running grapples for the front and the back. Auto reversals and strikes. A damn great Mask Creator/Editor. More faces, more costumes and entrance costumes, 2 level specials, interchangeable referees, a quote editor, just a great package.

BEST FEATURE-Wrestlers can wear multiple belts to the ring, and tag teams come out together wearing belts, Wrestlers being announced in the ring, the ability to create anyone else from any previous AKI game damn near perfectly. The Mask Creator that enables one to create any Mask so far, or pretty close.

WORST FEATURE-The Royal Rumble camera shifts………………..

IN A NUTSHELL-The Very best AKI game to date, plus it has a season mode that unlocks various secrets as you go on, excellent game, get it if you don’t have it