Jigsaw puzzles are great!

User Rating: 10 | Virtual Jigsaw: MasterPieces Edition PC
For those of you who do not like jigsaw puzzles, this is not the game for you. It is just like the cardboard pieces, just virtual. I like the option of being able flip over all of the pieces with a click of a button. The picture options are neat. Like color on one side and picture on the other or pictures on both sides. Whatever you desire. It can become your own fantasy puzzle. The realistic part is that if the piece is not lined up exactly right it will not snap in. On the flip side, if the piece is in the right place but does not connect to anything yet, it will still snap in. Also the puzzle you are working on is saved; so when you open the program again it is still there how you left it.

All this said, you are still locked in front of a computer. Virtual puzzles are single player and can not just sit out on a table for whoever happens to wander by to put in the occasional piece. And yes, I have done puzzles with my grandmother while having nice conversations.