"What time is it?, What it's 6 aredy! This game is that good." This game is great.

User Rating: 10 | Virtual Boy Wario Land: Awazon no Hihou VBOY
"What time is it?, What it's 6 aredy! This game is that good." This game is great. One of the best 3-D games I played.

If Virtual Boy wasn't invented, I think my life would be horrible. The graphics are great, and dont' forget the gameplay.

The gameplay of this game was great, I think I played this game for over 20 hours. Now, if you compare that to how many hours are in a day and how many days are in a year, that 1/400 of that whole year, I was playing this game. Doesn't sound much, but thats a lot.

The graphics didn't score so well for me, but It was still good. The graphics are a bit worst the GBA, which I think this and GBA are the same company. It might be because of the word "boy" in it. But it still has Ok graphics scoring at 8.

The Sound was better for me, with the action it sounded great. This was on the best reason I got this game and so on! You can't get nowadays!

The value for geting and taking care of the game was exlcent. I didn't have to pay that much. However, I didn't score a 10 because thats only a download or a sale, if the game is super cheap or it's free.

My reviews tilt was also high.

This game is awesome. Good games like this can't be found anymore...