I wasn't expecting much from VB Wario Land. However, it embraces its platform and creates a great 3D experience.

User Rating: 8.8 | Virtual Boy Wario Land: Awazon no Hihou VBOY
I bought a Virtual Boy just to be able to say that I own one. It came with 5 games and was actually a decent price. I started playing Wario Land and found the 3D elements of the game amazing. After playing for about an hour I found that, as a game, it was amazing. I don't know what the processing power is for the VB but Wario looks great. This is easily the most surprising game I've played in a while. The final boss is genius. Any game where you jump from one trampoline-like surface to another trying to hit a demon's nose is not half bad. As one of my fellow reveiwers said, this game is the reason to own a VB.