Viewtiful Joe is simply the best Beat'em-up on the Gamecube.

User Rating: 10 | Viewtiful Joe (Pink Version) GC
The good: Awesome graphics and sound, slow and fast motion options make combat easier and more fun, Very humorous, awesome fighting and challenging levels.
The bad: Captain Blue's encounters only in the first levels are short and easy.

Game-play: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 10/10
Value: 10/10
Tilt: 10/10
Average Score: 10/10

Capcom has made a lot of great games for Nintendo such as Megaman 2, Resident Evil 4, and this. Viewtiful Joe is simply the best Beat'em-up on the gamecube.

In this game, Joe and his girlfriend Sylvis are watching Captain Blue, a movie Joe has been waiting for for a long time. When the villian defeats him, he has free control and grabs Joe's girl out of the screen and takes her into the movie world. Joe is grabbed by Captain Blue's robot and he is sent in there. Captain Blue will teach Joe everything he needs to know to become a superhero and grab his girl.

Sounds familier? If you ever played Last Action Hero, this has a similar plot to it, only this is awesome. You'll start the game as regular joe, and when you get near the end of the level, you'll fight Captain Blue, who will train you to fight for justice. Press Y to punch, and X to kick. Like other beat'em-ups, there are many combos, called Viewtifuls. The combatin Viewtiful Joe is awesome, and the rich fighting styles really make up for a game like this. Later in the game, you'll get your red suit, and your fast and slow motion moves. Fast motion makes everything fast and certain platforms go up. Slow motion makes things slow and certain platformers dropping to the ground.

Graphically, the cel animation in the game really fits the tone of the game. The frame rate will have a movie style look when you're regular joe (if you run out of s/f motion power), this will only be for a couple of seconds, but there is no bland looks when it comes to regular joe. The polygon levels are perfectly puzzled in a side scrolling game, and the level design is exploritive and fun. The music is awesome, the sound has a lot of its moments, like "cut, cut cut!" The game is very funny, espicially when heart points are replinished with a hamburger (which then Joe says, "mmm, yummy!"

Viewtiful Joe is one of the best when it comes to the Gamecube. It's totally worth your money, and all its perfection will shine on you. With excellent graphics and sound, awesome game-play and fun combat, Viewtiful Joe will have you playing it for years to come.