User Rating: 8.9 | Vietcong: Fist Alpha PC
If you played the first vietcong & liked it you'll welcome fist alpha with open arms. Its not as good as call of duty but fist alpha takes one of the best shooters from last year & makes it much better.I just play it online because it has a great multiplayer (mabey one of the best).So if you just have a 56k or you still send smoke signals do us all a favor & don't buy it.On the other hand if you have a strong surround sound set up & a cable modem you'll be in for a hell of a ride.The net code needs some work but this is an stand alone game no quake 3 engine, so you gotta cut em some slack. If you nit pick this game you'll have a long list, if you just play it you'll have one kick a$$ shooter on your hands!