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Vision's Comic Book Origins Explained | WandaVision

With the release of WandaVision on Disney+ coming in January, let's dig into Vision's complicated Marvel comics history.

Over the last decade, the MCU has done a lot of legwork for some of the more niche Marvel superheroes, elevating them from relative obscurity to household name status with just a couple of big budget blockbusters. But, unsurprisingly, the transformation from comic book character to A-list live action celebrity brings some changes and updates with it. Sometimes they're relatively minor--solidifying more obscure or esoteric bits of origin stories or shaving off clunky bits of continuity left over from years and years of publication history--but other times, they can practically reinvent the character from the ground up into something almost entirely new.

This is exactly what happened with Vision, Marvel's charmingly obtuse superheroic robot played by Paul Bettany. Since he's going on to star in his very own Disney+ TV series, WandaVision, by the end of the year, we figured now was a perfect time to blow the doors off the character's lengthy and complicated history outside of the MCU. After all, if that first trailer is any indication, WandaVision is going to be jam packed with layers upon layers of some deeply arcane Marvel mythology, so it's probably best to go in fully prepared to catch everything you possibly can.
