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Taking Down A Big Bird Boss In Foregone | PAX East 2020 Gameplay

Foregone is like Dead Cells, minus the procedural generation. It's got plenty of bosses, like the big bird we battled in our hands-on demo.

Given some similarities in visual style and combat, it's easy to label Foregone as a Dead Cells-like. Developer Big Blue Bubble doesn't shy away from the comparison; it only credits the hit roguelike for part of its DNA. The studio began by making a more traditional level-based Metroidvania and then took inspiration for the controlled combat chaos from Dead Cells. Still, the world is a set map with more traditional progression.

The game is in early access now, and the world is being built out as it remains in development, but it's already a visual treat. A post-processing filter placed over 3D models gives it the distinct look of highly-polished sprite artwork with the smooth animation of 3D renders. That helps make the combat feel quick and responsive, and the persistent progression mixed with loot drops help encourage exploration and farming high-level enemies.

You can watch us take down one of the game's bosses in the video above. It's one of many action-packed experiences we had at PAX East 2020.