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Rare $60,000 Pokemon Card Gets Lost In Mail - GS News Update

Apparently, nobody knows what happened to this exceedingly rare, 20-year-old Pokemon Card.

A super-rare Pokemon card has gone missing, after selling on eBay for $60,000. Trainer No. 3 is a card awarded to the third-place winner of a 1999 Japanese Pokemon competition called Super Secret Battle--and since it was only made available at that one time, it's incredibly hard to find the genuine article. The card sold in August 2018 but never made it to its buyer. According to the seller, it was lost in the mail.

The story of what happened to the card is a convoluted one, with multiple shippers involved, including the U.S. Postal Service. Though seller pokemonplace insured the card for $50,000, a technical snafu in which someone signed for a bulk delivery that was supposed to include the card means pokemonplace can't collect on the claim. The seller said it considers the situation a loss and is willing to pay $1000 for any information about the card's whereabouts. Meanwhile, the super-rare Trainer No. 3 has yet to surface.

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