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Gamescom Canceled, Resident Evil 4 Remake - GS After Dark #37

This week the GameSpot After Dark crew shares their progress in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, discusses Gamescom's cancellation, and Jake and Jean-Luc share their early impressions of Fallout 76: Wastelanders.

00:0013 - Introduction

00:03:52 - What We've Been Playing

00:05:21 - Kallie's Animal Crossing Updates

00:18:09 - More Final Fantasy VII Remake Thoughts

00:25:44 - Fallout 76 Wastelanders

00:37:18 - XCOM: Chimera Squad Announced

00:40:00 - Gamescom Cancelled!

00:45:11 - New Crysis Game?

00:49:52 - Resident Evil 4 Remake

00:57:41 - Listener Questions

01:16:37 - Outro